วันพุธที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Achieve Your Goals By Starting Now And Taking Some Action Every Day

Now is a wonderful word. Take action on your next goal or task now and immediately feel the worry and frustration lift from your shoulders. Do something right now and you will sit up straighter and stand taller immediately.

Take some kind of action today and, preferably, now. Even if your action only lasts one minute, you will feel better, healthier and more dynamic.

Almost inevitably, your action will last longer than a minute but even if it doesn't you will have done something to lessen the guilt and burden of not doing what you believe you should be doing.

Some minutes can be outstandingly productive.

It only takes a minute to list your tasks or goals for the day and we all know the story of how a business man, Charles Schwab, paid Ivy Ledbetter Lee $25,000 dollars for the advice that he and his managers should make a list of 6 key tasks to be done next day.

Next day, they should start on the first, most important task and work at it until they had finished it. They then should move on to the next task. If they did not finish all six tasks, no problem. They should add them to tomorrow's list and so on.

People, like Michael Masterson, who get a lot done every day, have a list of the day's tasks in front of them all day long. The most important are high lighted.

Why doesn't everybody follow Ivy Lee's expensive advice? Perhaps, because it seems too simple and perhaps because the advice is now free!

Ivy died in 1934 at the age of 57. This was young but by then he had accomplished much. He has been described by some as the founder of modern public relations - no mean achievement.

Like Ivy, none of us know how long we have to live so we might as well make the most of each day we are blessed with.

There is no need to wait until you can do each task well before starting it. My granddad used to say that if a thing's worth doing it's worth doing well. To some extent that is true. If you are repairing a roof and do the job badly, a tile could fall on someone and injure them severely.

On the other hand, if you wait until you can write the perfect article or book, you will wait for ever. Some things are worth doing badly and then improving later. Microsoft have shown the way.

The following quote from Frank McKinney, a multimillionaire real estate developer, which I came across in one of Michael Masterson's inspiring articles makes this point clearly:

"You don't need to wait until you are an expert to start making money in real estate. Get to know your local area by doing a little bit of work every day. Before you know it, you'll have a good idea about what to buy and when to sell, and then you'll be on your way to wealth and financial independence. But you have to start right away. Start immediately and then keep going. Do something every day, even if it's only something that takes five or 10 minutes."

Notice that Frank McKinney advises an immediate start followed by daily action. The longer you delay the start, the less likely you are to take action.

I have returned from inspiring seminars with boxes full of follow up material. If I don't open them immediately, I usually never open them. Maybe I am exceptionally lazy but surveys have shown that I am the norm!

Very few people open the learning courses that they buy. Even fewer listen to the opening CD or watch the first DVD and only one or two complete the courses. People download ebooks every day but how many actually read them?

How many go beyond reading and take action to apply what they have read about?

Unless you strike while the iron is hot, your enthusiasm will migrate to something else. Life, with all its interruptions and demands on your time, will crowd in on you and, before you realize it, the course will have been sitting on your shelf for one or more years.

You will then argue that it is probably out of date. This could well apply to internet marketing courses where the next best thing arrives every three months.

I have just bought an Adsense Manual which I am assured makes every other manual out of date. As I haven't read any of the Adsense manuals I bought before, I can't tell whether this claim is right or wrong!

As you have probably realised, I write motivational articles to motivate myself as much as anyone else!

I'll keep this particular article short so that you will have nothing to stop you from moving on to the next task on your list. If you don't have a list, try creating one right now!

To sum up:

Act now and you will walk tall and feel full of energy.

You can achieve much in just one minute of thoughtful action.

Make a list of tasks for today or tomorrow and get started.

Keep the list in front of you all day long and highlight your priorities.

If a thing's worth doing, it is worth doing badly so don't wait until you are an expert. Just get started and learn as you go.

Do something every day to make progress towards your goals even if you only work for five minutes.

Strike while the iron is hot. Read that ebook as soon as you download it or the chances are you never will.

Light the fire of your enthusiasm now and feed it with daily actions so that it stays ablaze and you are motivated to keep going until your goal is achieved.

I'll finish with a great quote from Mike Litman:

"When we take action on what we learn, great things happen."

See Also : Civil Engineering Forum Shallow Foundation

